Mike’s practice is deeply entrenched in the Arizona trade community. He is active in all the cross border engagement organizations in Arizona, and more than half of his practice is international trade, international M&A, international distribution agreements, international litigation and transactions. He is a domestic M&A and corporate transactions lawyer, but also an international lawyer, providing assistance in trade, international distribution, formation of structures in foreign nations with local counsel to facilitate trade, and drafting of international export and distribution contracts. He assists clients in both “inbound” and “outbound” transactions and works regularly to “issue spot” for international clients and facilitate transactions, both directly and with other third party professionals to solve problems in the areas of tariffs, taxes, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and sales channels, cross-border intellectual property protection, non-circumvention, exclusivity rights, auditing international transactions, finance of deals, company purchases and trade finance. We also cover international litigation, arbitration and dispute resolution. He leads his firm’s international team of a full service firm over 600 lawyers in 28 cities. Mike lived in LatAm over 10 years (Costa Rica and Mexico primarily). He is fully bilingual (Spanish) and sings in a band in Spanish (Los Hijos de Papi) regularly.