Project Exploration

Chairperson of Project Exploration

Adam Hawkins

Global External
“Make Mining Cool Again” in North America is the thesis statement of this project. The writing is on the wall and there will be a global shift from fossil fuel to new innovative options over time. Options that will put a demand on mineral supplies and create another global mining boom. The CABC has identified Project Exploration as one of its high-priority initiatives. The demand for minerals is at an all time high and will continue to go-up. Increasing the mining production is an opportunity for the state of Arizona, along with Canada and the state of Sonora in Mexico to further their leading positions as a top mining region in the world, and position the region as a significant supplier of these minerals to feed the future supply chains needed in: building materials, military defense, communications, satellites, space advancement, energy, technology and the popular, EV automobiles and more. 
In order to support the mining companies and their feeder industries, there must be an upgrade and expansion in the infra-structure in all areas of mining. This includes attracting top talent, labor and incorporating the newest mining technology. With Canada’s involvement both in Arizona and Mexico, it is imperative to begin the discussion on how this trio of mining players will approach the many challenges, as we enter the newest frontier of energy and technology. CABC is committed to the mining industry and making mining “cool” again. It is time to remind both the private and public sectors that mining is a significant economic contributor to this state, not only in the past, but in the present, and into the future.
Arizona is the number one mining state in the union (as is Sonora is the number one mining state in Mexico). The roots of mining date back to territorial days when Arizona was only a stop on the way to the California “Gold Rush.” In the quest for gold, they discovered copper and the state became recognized as a mining capital in the West. A large number of Arizona and Sonoran mines are Canadian operated and/or financed. Copper is one of the most sought after metallic minerals mined today and critical to next generation of transportation and communication. It is and will continue to be an important metal in global markets. In order to become the dominating provider of minerals in the region, Arizona/Canada/Sonora must accelerate the industry forward with their government agencies, educational institutes and industry leaders and become an unrivaled front while competing in the global arena of minerals.
North America has the ability to be self-sufficient to handle the current demand of copper and other minerals that will be required for the global shift to cleaner energy and new technology. The infra-structure must be built to fulfill the demand of the future. The CABC’s goal is to shine a brighter light on Arizona/Canada/Sonora, as a region, in order to assist with the overall mission of catapulting the region at a larger scale into international markets. As important as higher educated mining talent is, equally as important is the work force of trade professionals. The creation of more trade schools with degrees in mining are needed to be implemented through universities (University of Arizona Mining Degree) and other institutions to ensure that all aspects of the mining trade are taught. This will ensure that the workforce will be prepared with the mining explosion that is about to take place in our state and in our partner’s countries. Like the semi-conductor industry, the number one priority should be to bring the mining jobs, money, manufacturing and distribution back to North America.
The CABC’s overall objective is to be a part of the discussions as a neutral party to provide and disseminate information, opportunities and a network for its members interested in the mining industry, and further the ties between Canada, Arizona and Sonora. 
For a list of our goals and a downloadable version of this initiative, click here.

committee members include:

Arizona State Mine Inspector

Hudbay Minerals

City of Casa Grande

Invest Quebec

Excelsior Mining





University of Arizona

Global External